Hi! It’s November! Almost time for Thanksgiving and then Christmas!! As we enter this busy time of year, let’s discuss some of the benefits of having a blind parent. Some of these might not be seen as positive, but they can be!
1. I’m thankful that my mom has never had to see me roll my eyes at her.
2. I’m thankful that by my mom needing to have rides, I now have a better understanding for those who need rides to get places. Not every parent is able to take care of getting their children to events.
3. I’m thankful that even though my mom is blind we can still do things together. This picture is from trick or treat in our town a couple weeks ago. But today we went to our counties Veterans Day celebration together. It’s nice to be out together.
4. I’m thankful that my mom enjoys meeting people. She is way more social than I am.
5. I’m thankful that having a blind mom hasn’t made me a hermit. I actually go do things and enjoy meeting people she knows.
6. My mom I showed in us kids a love for reading. I am so thankful that even without sight my mom could teach us things in books. The National Braille Press has a book club and we still have almost all of the books from my growing up days.
#childrenraisedaroundtheblind can have special moments with their parents too.
7. I’m also thankful that my mom was able to get our school books Brailled when she was homeschooling us. She was able to teach me from K-12; my brother k-6; my younger two siblings were in regular school due to things that made it hard for mom to teach them at home.
8. I’m thankful that after years of being a cane user my mom got a dog when I was 16. Even though it was hard being replaced by a four legged dog it was something that allowed her more freedom.
9. I’m thankful that by my mom having guide dogs that I am now so much more aware of all the training they get.
10. I’m thankful that so many blind people are given independence with the use of a guide dog and can go places and cut through crowds with a confidence they might not have had with a cane.
11. Playing games as a family, even if you have to Braille up the games yourself.
12. Thankful for Braille computers that allow mom to play games that require writing.
13. I’m thankful my mom even though blind can still walk and get around.
14. I’m glad my mom enjoys traveling. We have gone on many trips and visited a lot of neat places.
15. I’m thankful that even though my mom can’t see the pictures to remind her of places we have been, she usually journals about them for herself and I get to see the pictures forever.
16. I’m thankful that even though my mom is blind she is still able to live on her own.
17. I’m thankful that we have been able to give mom space so she can have all her technology spread across two desks.
18. I’m thankful that many bind people I know are living independently and have jobs. What an amazing world to live in where blind people can live independently. It is so different form what like was like many years ago.
19. I’m thankful for my moms involvement in different volunteer organizations. This has taught me that just because you have a disability doesn’t mean you can’t help others.
20. I’m thankful that by volunteering in these groups, I have learned about so many things that as a sighted person I wouldn’t know about. I wouldn’t know the struggle blind people have with employment or even being invited to social gatherings.
21. I’m thankful my mom has taught me to serve others. As tomorrow thanksgiving dad I am so thankful my mom has taught me to serve others by cooking food!