Most blind/low vision people already live in a fairly isolated state. They can’t drive and go places. Even with Uber and Lyft there are limits to places they can go. Most restaurants are not doing dine-in options and this can make them feel even more isolated.

So this month let’s share ways we can communicate that people are still cared about. We want to spread love and care to all those around us.

Yes, we are all dealing with this differently, but we can help each other as we join hands to keep one another accountable for reaching out to those around us who will need to have contact with us.


  1. One way to communicate is by the good old fashioned telephone. Most blind people are good with the telephone. Even if all you do is call to say I’m thinking about you today. That can brighten up their day.
  2. Another way to reach out during this time is by mail. Not email, we will cover that in a later post, but send a card. Send a note of encouragement. You can make a homemade card, send a regular greeting card, or purchase a greeting card online and send it to them with braille.

Us kids know basic grade one braille and have the ability to use a braille writer and have typed up notes before for mom and other blind friends. Just a simple card with a I was thinking of you today will mean the world to those who are not able to get out. I have linked a few websites below that sell brailed greeting cards!

How will you choose to brighten someone’s day today?


  1. How can you help the blind community around you today? See if they need anything when you go to the store. Some blind people have learned how to use delivery services for groceries or even food, but not everyone can afford it or is able to utilize these things. So contact them the next time you are out and offer to pick up something for them. Even if they say no, your actions will be greatly appreciated.

This time of staying home and social distancing makes it even harder for those who already feel pretty isolated from the world. Let’s start looking for little ways to help their day/week feel much better and know that they are still cared about.