How do you introduce yourself to a blind person? How do you tell people to blind talk to your blind relative?
A person who is blind or has low vision will need you to touch them on the shoulder to let them know you are there. Then you will want to speak your name. Then you can have a conversation. Sometimes people seem offended when they reach a hand out and the blind person doesn’t shake it. But that doesn’t mean they are trying to be rude. It usually is that they don’t know if you want to shake hands or not since they can’t see it. It takes time and is sometimes awkward to repeat just touch her hand so she can shake yours.
Have you gone shopping and watched the cashier make eye contact with you and then proceed to say “her/his total is. . . ?” This is both awkward and also a way ton introduce people to the proper way to interact. I usually say please talk to her.
At the doctors office the nurses will just say follow me. and my mom usually responds what way? Where are we turning? It can make you feel sad for the person leading them, but also frustrated that people don’t always think about a way to interact with the blind patient.
This month we will discuss awkward and repetitive situations we deal with.
Having an Opinionated Parent Isn’t Always Easy
Sometimes having a very opinionated parent is a struggle. However, there are times that having someone who speaks their minds can be embarrassing for you.
Example: at the checkout counter they give you, your parents receipt after talking to you and you correcting them to talk to your parent. As you walk away, your parent begins to say, “I wish they would just speak to me.” I agree but now I’m red in the face with embarrassment.
Or the times your mom says things, personal opinions about that person, and the person she talks about is standing right behind her in the crowd. Sometimes you have to just walk away.
Sometimes the embarrassing moment comes from you doing what you have always done to help out. Like folding their money when they get it back and people say “oh how sweet of you to help your parent out.” No I wish everyone knew how to do this so I wouldn’t have to.
Sometime people think that you are the only way your blind parent can function, and they hold you up as an exceptional person. No my blind parent lived on their own before they had us kids so they will be fine after we leave. Embarrassing and awkward situations. Share yours in the comments below.
Sighted People Do Not Get Directions
But here is topic number 3 under Awkward situations. Something that most sighted people don’t understand is when they say “over there is the flag.” Or “Right by the door is the sign-up sheet.” Seriously, where is that compared to where the blind people are?
It is hard to interrupt everyone to say which way to face. At a recent meeting with our local government they were mentioning where the sign-up sheet was for those wishing to comment and where the podium was for us to speak at. The blind people asked where is that compared to how our chairs are facing. Thankfully he gracefully gave directions. The sign-up is on a small table on your right. The podium is behind the front rows of chairs and around to your left. It was very neat to see how quickly that changed. But many times I’m whispering to everyone directions during all of the other opening comments. Be prepared to think ahead and mention the location of certain items before you talk about their importance. Have you had similar issues?
Helping Parents Sign Their Name
Another awkward situation. This is the last one I can think of right now. When you have to sign your parents name. My mom learned how to write her name but it took to long and she ended up just getting a signature stamp. There are times when she doesn’t have it with her and then I just sign. Its kind of weird to be asked to sign for her. Now that I’m an adult they have me sign her name and then mine. Stay safe out there.
March Facebook Live Monthly Roundup